শনিবার, ৯ মার্চ, ২০১৯

Everybody should know before marriage.

Everybody should know before marriage or you making a big mistake.    After coming from teenager to youth, the spring of love in every person is blowing in the mind. But it is seen that the failure of these love is more than the deterioration of failure. So a famous writer and musician said, "No one is happy about the love" When people fail to love, many people think that they will not get married in life. Starting from they are cut hands, they began to eat various addicts. Do you know why you fail in love? Let me tell today, the reason for success and the way to success in failing love.

After coming from teenager to youth, the spring of love in every person is blowing in the mind. But it is seen that the failure of this love is more than the deterioration of failure. So a famous writer and musician said, "No one is happy about love" When people fail to love, many people think that they will not get married in life. Starting from they are cut hands, they began to eat various addicts. Do you know why you fail in love? Let me tell you today, the reason for success and the way to success in failing love.

If you fail in love, never take decisions that you will not even get into drugs while using drugs. Put the mind first, take yourself to the new world, and see how beautiful you are. One day you will get the most beautiful woman, sometimes you can go to the far address Let's see what you can do to get this way.

Do not ever want to find a very smart or over-smart girl. It seems that you are failing to get it, and if you get her, maybe you are always caught up with her or she may never be listening to you. So if a girl from a middle-class family in the village is beautiful or somewhat unwise, then she can not fulfill happiness from her parents and if you can arrange her, then your life will be much happier.

We make a mistake. We always look for a pretty smart girl or a rich family girl. Actually, I do not see how much I value the family, how much I value her, or whether the family is acceptable. That's why we have to look before a girl to whom we are more valuable to her. So do not follow the smart girls who are always decorated with make-up. You always search for a very simple girl. Moreover, their demand is very low and I think you can give it more than you want or you can. Think of how much your price will increase to her. These words may be dropped, but these words are absolutely true. So I always say "Change outlook will change life."

শেয়ার করুন


আমি একজন অতি সামান্য মানুষ। পেশায় একজন লেখক,ব্লগার এবং ইউটিউবার। লেখালেখি করতে খুব ভালো লাগে। আমার এই সামান্য প্রয়াসের মাধ্যমে মানুষের কিছু শেখাতে পারা ও বিনোদন দেওয়ার মাধ্যমে আনন্দ খুঁজে পায়।

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