রবিবার, ১০ মার্চ, ২০১৯

Some other types of interest from popular and star people.

Many popular people have different interests. Actually hearing or seeing these stars, you will feel that they can not do such things. Because these things do not suit them. Today I will express some interest in some of the world-famous stars that you will be surprised if you know.

Anjelina Jolie's interest:

Angelina Jolie is most discussed in the media world as well as for the right awareness of various issues. Jolie chose to collect a knife from her childhood. She got her first knife gift at the age of 12. Jolie went around the country, collecting a knife from there. In an interview, Jolie said, by collecting knives, I tried to know about the country's history and heritage. This star was once again faced with a lot of criticism for giving a knife gift on the child's birthday.

Anjelina Jolie's interest

Bill Gates' interest:

One of the richest people in the world is Bill Gates. He likes to read books. But the choice of the bill over tennis game. Whenever you get the chance, Bill Gates has come down to play tennis. Not only that, but sometimes the professional matches he played. Bill Gates has been in the tennis court against tennis player Roger Federer in 2017. Bill Gates played tennis to finance the charity In March 2018, Bill Gates and Roger Feder played tennis to make money for another voluntary organization. Bill Gates is interested in tennis books.

Bill Gates' interest

Hillary Clinton's interest:

Hillary Clinton is a professional politician. Since college life, he had a lot of interest in politics. Hillary Clinton has a lot of interest. Whenever you get the time, try to match the words. Hillary Clinton is interested in swimming and swimming. Every day he swims at some time. No matter how much, swimming is a work of interest in the body. In an interview, Clinton said, "I love swimming. One of my favorite works is swimming.

Hillary Clinton's interest

Feder's interest:

For tennis talent, many people called him tennis god. The interest of Roger Federer is more about the other game. He is very much interested in playing cricket. Not only that, he also has a wide interest in table tennis. Federer rushed to the table with the help of ping pong balls with friends. Former star player Sachin Tendulkar met Federer. Roger Federer imitates many tennis skills from cricket. Sachin Tendulkar shared a Twitter video of imitating Federer's cricketing shot.

Feder's interest

German Chancellor Merkel's interest:

While not a politician, German Chancellor Marcel had a hobby of cooking. German Chancellor Merkel's potato soup was very popular among friends and family. Not only that, he had a lot of reputation for making cakes. After the start of politics, they ran away to the kitchen. No matter how busy, he used to own a raw market for the house. Now as the head of Germany, so he can not give time in the kitchen. But the opportunity does not make it without hands.

German Chancellor Merkel's interest

Although a star person, every person has different hobbies and loves. If they can not do it, they can not enjoy their life. People do some extraordinary work to make their life more comfortable and enjoyable. In the meantime, people find happiness in heaven. Because people can not be happy if money is money. To get self-satisfaction, every man has a crazy mind.

শেয়ার করুন


আমি একজন অতি সামান্য মানুষ। পেশায় একজন লেখক,ব্লগার এবং ইউটিউবার। লেখালেখি করতে খুব ভালো লাগে। আমার এই সামান্য প্রয়াসের মাধ্যমে মানুষের কিছু শেখাতে পারা ও বিনোদন দেওয়ার মাধ্যমে আনন্দ খুঁজে পায়।

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