মঙ্গলবার, ১২ মার্চ, ২০১৯

Woman who made a Guinness book record of marrying 23 times.

A woman who made a Guinness book record of marrying 23 times.
Let's know about his marital status and life.                       

Name and identity:
The name of this woman is Linda Wolf. Her current age is 68 years. He was the first to get married at the age of 16. She has married a total of 23 times in her life. She has achieved world records for the most married woman.

Woman who made a Guinness book record of marrying 23 times.

Mrs. Linda Wolf`'s can not list her husband because of so many marriages, but it seems that the best was George Scott's first husband. She had only lived with her first husband for 7 years. It was the longest of his life.

She said that I liked to enjoy my life through marriage. Jack Girly was the best boyfriend in her life. He liked to enjoy more with him, so he liked to be fascinated with him. She divorced him three times and again married three times.

She has 7 children by her husband and she has got many stepchildren by other husbands. It is easy to sum it up. She told me about her life when I was a child I was just a foundling child. But the neighboring boys were in love with me. They all wanted to marry me.

I think that in these cities where the record holders of the world live, there are signs outside the city limits. I do not think there will be a sign like Anderson.

He is now alone for 12 years. His longest career since childhood. But I'll get married again. He said, you know, it is very difficult to remain alone.

He said to the sun: Even after the end of the year, I miss it.

His advice: marry once and marry again and again. I believe that human life is not a foreskin, so enjoy life through marriage.

Linda Wolf's two husbands are going to be gay, and both are homeless. She is the only woman who had married 23 times and gained Guinness World Records. Only she is the world's most married woman.

She also said that "I am in search of the 24th wedding.

শেয়ার করুন


আমি একজন অতি সামান্য মানুষ। পেশায় একজন লেখক,ব্লগার এবং ইউটিউবার। লেখালেখি করতে খুব ভালো লাগে। আমার এই সামান্য প্রয়াসের মাধ্যমে মানুষের কিছু শেখাতে পারা ও বিনোদন দেওয়ার মাধ্যমে আনন্দ খুঁজে পায়।

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