শুক্রবার, ১০ মে, ২০১৯

Top 15 most unique and odd couples in the world.

Every people wants a good life partner. Long people usually find a long-life partner. Likewise, a beautiful man expects a beautiful life partner. In other words, we all are getting more consistency in choosing people for love. But yes, there are some people who are out of this calculation in the world. Many of them have chosen their partner as their different. This unique feature of today is about this unique pair.

The top 15 most unique and odd couples are given below:

1. Martin Van Buren and Anna Haining Swan

Martin Van Buren and Anna Haining Swan

This couple, is known as the longest couple in the world. Martin Burren was once known as the "Kentucky Giant". Its height was 7 feet 7.5 inches tall and weighing 149 kg! Martin married her long Anna Haining. Anna's height was 7 feet 5.5 inches! They were called a "giant couple".

2. Ahmed Mohammad Dore and Safia Abdullah

Ahmed Mohammad Dore and Safia Abdullah

Due to differences in age, they got a list of strange couples. Ahmed Mohamed Door, aged 11, of Somalia's couple, and his wife was only 17 years old. Sophia Abdullah Ahmed was Dor's sixth wife. He was the oldest person of the 18th century.

3. Anton Craft and China Bell

Anton Craft and China Bell

The picture tells why they are weirdly 6.3 feet tall China Bell married 4-feet dwarf Anton Craft. Anton Craft always maintains his body fit. He regularly goes to the gymnasium to keep his body fit. They are a really odd and unusual couple in the world.

4. Sone Stephenson and Mindy Niss

Sean Stephenson and Mindy Niss

An American writer and transmitter speaker Sone infected with osteogenesis imperfect disease in childhood. Due to this disease, he is only three feet tall and he has to walk in a wheelchair. But his wife is completely healthy and one of Arriana's most beautiful women!

5. Kyle Jones and Marjorie McCullum

Kyle Jones and Marjorie McCullum

Another example of age difference is Kyle Jones and Marjorie MacCull. 60 years older than Kyle Jones's junior age! But they are still just dating. Kyle has said that his older women are attractive. And yes, according to the Wonder List site, Marjari Kyle's grandmother!

6. Paul and Maria Bootzaki

Paul and Maria Bootzaki

The names of the weirdest couple are found in the first place. María Boatzky, the woman named husband Paul and former boyfriend Peter love each other equally. And he is living together with two people!

7. Gabriela and Victor Peralta 

Gabriella and Victor sendla

Gabriela and Victor Sattal are called tattoos. Victor draws tattoos to 90% of the body and 65% of Gabriella's body! I am really astonished by their unusual facts.

8. Amanda Rogers and Sheba

Amanda Rogers and Sheba

Amanda Razaria and Sheba were placed on top of the list of strange couples. The British woman married her favorite dog, Sheba. Amanda Rogers first married a man, but because the marriage was not successful, he decided to marry the dog.

9. Ben Brown And Jenna Bentley

Ben Brown And Jenna Bentley

Here is yet another example of a hot young girl dating a rich old man. Jenna Bentley who’s a superstar model made headlines when the pictures of her with her new boyfriend hit the net. In this case, too, both seem to be in genuine love with one another. But the fact is certainly hard to swallow. Why would a superstar model as hot and beautiful as Jenna Bentley like to be in a relationship with a man like Ben Brown? 

10. Flavio Briatore And Elisabetta Gregoraci

Flavio Briatore And Elisabetta Gregoraci

Flavio is a man who started his career as a restaurant manager and insurance salesman in Italy. But, at present, he is a highly successful rich businessman in Italy.

On the other hand, his wife named Gregoraci could be a dancer on the Italian TV program referred to as Libero. She has been a defendant in offering sexual favors in return for a job as a showgirl for the Italian national public television company RAI. That is why, Once she married a rich old man many people didn’t spend much time calling her a gold digger. But by looking at their pictures it is extremely a lot of clear they're both in love with each other and seem to be living in a very healthy and successful life partner. 

11.Douglas Maistre Breger da Silva and Claudia Pereira Rocha

Douglas Maistre Breger da Silva and Claudia Pereira Rocha

Douglas Maistre Breger da Silva and Claudia Pereira Rocha together make the shortest couple in the world. Douglas was born on 21 September 1969 and Claudia was born on 6 September 1972. Both of them are Brazilian. Douglas measured 90cm and Claudia measured 93cm when they got married on 27 October 1998 in Curitiba, Brazil. Together the couple measures 183cm, less than 6 feet. It is a very amazing couple in the world.

12. Herbert and Zelmyra Fisher

Herbert and Zelmyra Fisher

Herbert and Zelmyra Fisher have the Guinness world record as the longest-living couple from 1924 to 2008 with 84 years of marriage. But they are still alive in both of 2011. They got married on May 13, 1924. Herbert at the age of 105 in 2011 that time he passed away. Zelmyra lived for another two years after the death of her sweetheart and passed away in early 2013.

13. Mr.Kelly Hildebrandt and Ms. Kelly Hildebrandt

Mr Kelly Hildebrandt and Ms Kelly Hildebrandt

It is a very common matter to hear the love stories of couples who met online. But you have never heard of a couple who met online, and were married to each other but also have the same name. They are named Mr. and Ms. Kelly Hildebrandt. A girl named Kelly Hildebrandt from Florida and a boy named Kelly Hildebrandt from Texas. After 8 months of chatting on Facebook Kelly proposed to Kelly and they decided to married.

14. Verne Troyer and Janice Gallen

Verne Troyer and Janice Gallen

Verne Troyer and Janice Gallen are a very unique couples in the world. Verne Troyer is only 2ft 8 inches tall and his wife Janice Gallen is 5ft 6 inches tall. But they are the happiest couple in the world. This couple is really unbelievable for man`s imagination. 

15. Jayla Cooper and Jose Griggs

Jayla Cooper and Jose Griggs

All small girls dream of their wedding day, with visions of a perfect man and a big beautiful white dress. But Jayla Cooper, a 9-year-old can’t wait for a proper time to marriage as she had been suffering from leukemia for two years. She would die in just a matter of weeks. So Jayla wanted a groom. She fulfilled her final wish in February 2009 by tieing the knot with her best friend, Jose Griggs, a 7-year boy. Their marriage ceremony was held at Children’s Medical Center. Their marriage ceremony was surrounded by friends and family. On 1, April 2009, Jayla Cooper passed away from this earth.

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শেয়ার করুন


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