সোমবার, ৫ আগস্ট, ২০১৯

Breast Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, Remedies, Prevention and Treatment.

Breast Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, Remedies, Prevention and Treatment:

Breast cancer is a known disease in women. But prevention is the biggest treatment of the disease, rather than cure. Doctors say early breast cancer can be cured. However, if the cancer spreads to other parts of the body, it usually cannot be cured. But the disease can be controlled by treatment. Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the Western world. However, the location of breast cancer after cervical cancer in our country.

Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death in women all over the world. Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer deaths in our country. One woman gets infected every 6 minutes and every 11 minutes, a woman with breast cancer dies.

Breast Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, Remedies, Prevention, and Treatment:

But after all this and in our society, there is a lack of awareness about breast cancer. And in the absence of this awareness, many are being caught at the very end. But at home, a woman can easily test her breast. It is possible to diagnose breast cancer at an early stage. Breast cancer can be diagnosed at an early stage, increasing the likelihood of winning the battle against cancer.

Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in our country. Breast cancer is actually a type of malignant tumor that originates from breast cells. Breast cancer is a type of illness that has no specific mechanism of prevention.

Moreover, no specific cause of the disease has yet been known. However, multiple causes have been attributed to breast cancer. Let's not know the reasons-

Causes of breast cancer: 

It is not yet entirely possible to determine the exact cause of breast cancer. In some women, the risk of developing the disease is higher than others. As women age, the risk of breast cancer increases.

Various parts of the body are made up of very small organisms. Cancer is a disease of these cells. Naturally, cell division occurs in a systematic and systematic way. If for some reason this process goes out of control, the organisms divide unobtrusively and form a body, called a tumor.

There may be two types of tumors in the breast. They are-

1. Benign:

 Most breast tumors are benign. Which is not harmful. Some benign tumors increase the risk of breast cancer.

2. Malignant:

Malignant tumors include cancerous cells that spread outside the breast if left untreated. They can spread through the bloodstream or lymph. These cells can reach new places and cause new tumors. This new tumor is called a metastatic tumor.

The causes of breast cancer are detailed below:

  1. Women are more prone to breast cancer than men.
  2. As age increases, the risk of breast cancer increases. Older women, especially those over the age of 55, are more likely to suffer from breast cancer than younger women.
  3. Previously breast cancer: If someone has had breast cancer before, he or she may have cancer in the other breast.
  4. The family has a history of breast cancer: If a mother, sister or daughter has breast cancer, the risk of breast cancer is many times higher. However, most people who have been diagnosed with breast cancer have no family history.
  5.  If the infant or young adult is treated with radioactive / radiation rays, he or she may develop breast cancer later in life.
  6.  Excessive weight (or fat) increases the risk of developing breast cancer. Fat produces estrogen hormone, which acts as a fuel for cancer.
  7. Menstruation before the age of 12 increases the risk of breast cancer.
  8. Late Menopause: If menopause occurs after the age of 55, it can suffer breast cancer.
  9. If a woman gives birth to her first child after 35 years, the risk of breast cancer is increased.
  10. Women who take estrogen and progesterone combined hormone for menstrual symptoms and symptoms are at higher risk of breast cancer.
  11. Excessive drinking increases the risk of breast cancer.
If there is such a risk, women should be careful and have regular breast tests.

Symptoms of breast cancer: 

  1. Thick or nipple thickening inside the nipple.
  2. Bleeding from the nipples.
  3. Changes in breast size or shape.
  4. Changes in the skin of the nipple (eg: rupture).
  5. Nipple insertion
  6. The skin of the nipples is crushed or the skin is gone.
  7. The skin of the nipples turns red.
If any of the above symptoms arise, the doctor should seek refuge. The doctor will then be able to diagnose whether it is breast cancer or not. Patients are more likely to be healed if they are caught early, so check breasts regularly to see if any abnormal changes occur.

Ways to Prevent Breast Cancer:

  1. If there is a recurrence factor, then do mammography. For example, if you have breast cancer in the family.
  2. Women who breastfeed also have a lower risk of breast cancer.
  3. Try to give birth to the first child by age 30.
  4. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits.
  5. If in doubt, you seek refuge with a cancer surgeon.
  6. Avoid smoking and alcohol.
  7. A person who practices the body by daily rules is less likely to get breast cancer.
  8. The survey says that walking fast for 75 to 150 minutes a week reduces the risk of breast cancer.
  9. Body weight should be kept under control. Specifically, there is an association of breast cancer with obesity.
  10. Vegetarian foods such as cabbage, cauliflower, fruits, etc. should be eaten more. Developing a habit of eating such vegetables can avoid the risk of breast cancer.
  11. You must avoid excessive drinking or drinking.
Breast cancer is not a shame or a secret. Every 4 minutes, a woman who is suffering from cancer has no chance of feeling ashamed or concealed. All of us can be aware of breast cancer prevention.

Breast Cancer Treatment:

It is best to have surgery if possible. Besides, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormone therapy, etc.

If you have an opinion on this matter, be sure to let us know via comment.

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